Board of Directors



Michèle Sterling M.A. 

President/Exec. Dir.

Michèle Sterling is founder & executive director of Terran as well as project creator & principal investigator for Terran’s Terra Deep Listening Project.


Charlene Ossler, RN, PhD 

Vice-President/Operations Director

Charlene Ossler is Vice President of Zhi Dao Guan -- The Taoist Center.  The Taoist Center is the umbrella organization created by Dr. Alex Feng and Charlene Ossler in 2002 that encompasses the Clinic for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Temple of Zhi Dao, and the Wu Tao Kuan Martial Arts Institute.

Charlene has a distinguished career in public health as a researcher and educator and is currently Vice President of Zenith Insurance, a workers compensation insurance carrier.  She is a graduate of the University of Maryland, Catholic University and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. 


Sara Cohn, MAI 

Treasurer/Financial Director

Sara Cohn is senior partner with Watts, Cohn, and Partners Inc., a member of the Appraisal Institute, and holds a MAI Designation. 

Sara has over 30 years of appraisal experience with extensive knowledge of the San Francisco Bay Area commercial and industrial properties. Her recent work has involved the analysis of commercial buildings, residential subdivisions, valuation of affordable housing developments with bond financing and/or Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), assessment districts, co-housing projects and institutional uses.

Sara is also a State of California Licensed Landscape Architect and received her Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Berkeley.

Sherry Freeman, MA, MFT 


Sherry Freeman is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Francisco and Marin County since 1992.  Her work focuses on the healing power of relationships with others, with oneself, and with the natural world.  By fostering these deep connections our purpose can emerge unfettered by the habitual fears and attitudes that hold us back from living our lives to the fullest.  

Her interest in shamanism started at a young age, after having spontaneous mystical experiences that changed the direction of her life.  She continues to explore the power of intuition, attunement with nature, and the unitive states of being. She believes shamans are key to solving the environmental crisis’ that face us and Earth.


Shelley Fernandez, PhD  

Public Relations Director

Shelley Fernandez was the founder of the first battered women shelter in the United States in 1971 when president of San Francisco NOW. She received a doctorate in health administration from Walden University in 1978. 

Shelley is public speaker for Judo Self-Defense & Woman Empowerment Team Building & Leadership, and owner of Keiko Fukudo and Shelley Fernandez Judo Foundation for Girls and Women, located in San Francisco. The foundation focuses on teaching self-defense and judo to women and young girls. Currently she has 14 schools teaching self-defense in poverty areas of India. She often travels and speaks on topics related to self-defense and women empowerment.

Shelley has also published three books and is currently working on her fourth, which will be published in early 2019.