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Mission  |   advisory COUNCIL |   ContACT


There are many among us who listen to the quiet, the stillness of Earth. They wait, and they continue to listen. These Terra listeners hear the movements and cycles of life around them, and they live accordingly.


Theirs is a lifetime of listening.


When listening deepens into a truly radical listening, in time, openings form and boundaries dissolve. Terra grows closer, much closer, and listening intensifies. Our inherent language with Terra stirs, slowly, growing closer. Then - immersion. This is Terra deep listening.


We now move into the domain of the shaman.


Shamans are the protectors of Earth’s equilibrium. They are the conduits between wild Terra and the rest of us. We not only commune with Earth too rarely to maintain a fluid connection with her, but most importantly, we have lost the ability to hear what Terra has to say.

Shamans live connected, immersed with Terra. Throughout the ages shamans have been the teachers and translators of direct and deliberate communication with Terra.


They are the listeners’ listeners.


For eons the Terra Terran relationship was one of Earth as God/Parent and humanity as child. Over the last centuries, humanity’s control over life increased. Terra was transformed into object/product and humanity its exploiter. Survival made change a necessity.

Now, what is needed for our survival is for Terrans to acknowledge once again a Terra that is living and aware.

Helpful to this renewed planetary paradigm are those who, over millennia, conversed directly and deliberately with Earth.




The Terra Deep Listening Project proposes to:

  • Identify shaman practices in mindful communication with Terra around the world

  • Recognize universal concepts and experiences within shaman mythical languages used to converse with Earth

  • Determine their planetary common base

Our aim is to help rediscover shamanic languages with Terra in order to strengthen Earth-shaman conversation globally, thus revitalize an ancient means of connecting with Earth in order to help combat a modern enemy - global climate change.


Humanity as a whole must redirect its high-tech progress toward mindful living with Terra if Terra is to heal, balance is to be restored, and humanity is to truly evolve beyond its adolescence and pave the way toward a more equitable global society.


Shamans, as Earth deep listeners, can help make the transformation toward a new planetary era possible.