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Our current mindset says - Earth is a store of commodities, product, an endless supply of goods. Ours is a life of acquisition and merchandise; we package and discard on a global scale. We injure, exploit, and damage Earth.


We’ve disconnected from the Earth-human bond in order to better exploit her as product, and now our planet is ill, out of balance.


The symptoms of planetary illness:

  • Record pollution, extreme temperatures, violent storms

  • Water’s dangerous levels of contamination, life-threatening shortages - the cause of growing conflicts

  • An interdependence crucial to ecosystems is crippled by nature’s disequilibrium causing food shortages and inevitable massive extinction of flora and fauna

  • Agricultural threats: severe droughts, floods, substantial crop losses

  • Increasing forced displacements, environmental refugees


It’s time for a planetary paradigm -- no more incremental thinking and green packaging.


To rectify abuses we need:

  • A legally binding document based on the Earth Charter, earthcharter.org; implemented by the United Nations; drafted, endorsed, and adopted by all countries

  • National and local Earth protection policies and laws reinforced by an international tribunal for Earth

  • Members of the global marketplace to lead with vision -- reframing our economic behavior from a “profit above all” worldview to a “sustainability above all” worldview

  • To invest research and development in the shaman connection with Terra as a crucial contributor to redirecting global progress

  • Shamanic communities be given prominent seats at the table along with hi-tech communities so together they will enable humanity to evolve with balance


Many of us, from all walks of life and in every corner of the world, already live a planetary worldview, acknowledging that all life is interconnected and all life is sacred. And ancient cultures, still with us, make Terra a partner in the conversation.

But many more must join us for this planetary paradigm to have political and economic leverage.


The TDL Project’s mission is to identify, strengthen, and unify the ancient shamanic voices rooted in Terra.